By putting the correct basic settings Per place and applying a few simple techniques, you can ensure that you have a solid foundation to build upon!
अप्रैल 2010 में Google ने अपने Webmaster blog में site speed के बारे में article लिखा है और उसमे बताया है गूगल का search algorithm वेबसाईट की speed को ranking signal के रूप में शामिल किया गया है। अगर आपकी वेबसाइट slow है तो उसकी speed को optimize कर लीजिये क्योंकि slow website न तो user को पसंद है और न ही गूगल को।
It is an HTML element that provides a summary of a page. Even though it doesn't directly affect rankings, a good meta description can make your site more clickable, drawing
Second thing to remember is that SERP shows only a limited number of characters (words) Per your title.
Stuffing a web page with images and/or videos could make it look awful and will surely decrease your page's loading speed drastically.
Of course, there is more you can do; please read our article detailing WordPress security Per a few easy steps. We’ll highlight some of the recommendations below.
इन्टरनेट पर मौजूद ऐसे contents का कोई काम नही है जो की outdated हैं और वर्तमान में उनका कोई उपयोग नही है।
Another important HTML element for SEO optimization is meta descriptions. A meta description provides a brief summary of what your content is about and appears under the title tag Sopra search engine results.
Focusing on long-tail keywords with lower competition is generally more feasible than going after head terms with high volumes as they are more competitive.
WordPress is one of the best content management systems for SEO. But even though it gets a lot right “out of the box,” there’s much more that you can do to improve your risultato. It’s time to focus on WordPress SEO!
And also, on-page optimization is but a collective task and activity of using keywords Per the best possible way.
Now, this is something we all want. If you’ve checked your current hosting set-up Con the previous section, you have an idea of what your site runs on now. If this shows outdated server software like PHP 5.
This can help improve both the quantity and quality of your sensitive backlinks portfolio which is another critical factor for overall SEO success.
इन SEO factors पर ध्यान देकर अगर आप blog post लिखते हैं तो आपके सर्च इंजन पर रैंक करने के chances बढ़ जाते हैं।